Young and inexperienced drivers are at a much higher risk of car wrecks than other age groups. They are still getting used to operating a vehicle and may be unfamiliar with handling certain situations, such as heavy traffic and roadblocks.

If you or your loved one has suffered injuries in a teen driving accident in Merrillville, call a hardworking car crash attorney at The Law Offices of David W. Holub today. Our knowledgeable legal team could review your case and options.

Why Are There Higher Collision Rates Amongst Teenagers?

Many factors contribute to the increased risk of a crash for teen drivers. They lack experience and judgment and may react inappropriately when faced with potential traffic hazards.

Younger motorists are also more likely to engage in high-risk behavior while operating vehicles, such as texting, neglecting to wear seat belts, or failing to comply with traffic laws. Parents can increase road safety for their children and others by enforcing rules and promoting safety and defensive driving techniques.

Risk Factors for Inexperienced Drivers

Awareness of potential hazards and high-risk behaviors is the most effective way to improve road safety and prevent accidents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded the following data on teen drivers:

  • Motorists aged 16 to 19 are at the highest risk of being involved in vehicle collisions
  • Male teenagers are three times more likely to cause accidents than females
  • Young drivers are at an elevated risk of severe injuries in crashes because they fail to wear seat belts
  • Car wrecks involving teenage drivers are more common at night and during the weekend
  • Young and inexperienced drivers transporting teen passengers are at increased risk of being involved in auto collisions
  • Teen motorists are at the highest risk of car crashes during the first few months after obtaining their driver’s license

Sadly, teen driving crashes in Merrillville are common. However, our legal team could help collect a settlement to cover the damages and losses following the incident.

What is the Hands-Free Law?

Cell phones are a massive contributor to the drastic increase in crashes caused by distracted drivers in recent years. Therefore, most states nationwide have traffic laws to restrict or ban the use of handheld communication devices while operating automobiles. Per the traffic safety rules provided by the Indiana Department of Transportation, the use of handheld cell phones while driving is unlawful, including the following:

  • Checking or updating social media
  • Reading, typing, or sending text messages
  • Recording or watching videos while operating vehicles
  • Holding smartphones or other devices while driving, except for emergencies
  • Reaching for cell phones or objects in the car if it requires unbuckling seat belts or changing positions

Motorists may use hands-free and voice-operated technology if holding the device is unnecessary. Following these laws can significantly reduce teen driving wrecks in Merrillville that result in severe and life-altering injuries.

Partner With a Legal Professional After a Merrillville Teen Driving Accident

When a young and inexperienced driver causes a collision, personal injury laws allow you to pursue compensation to cover your damages and losses. Teen motorists can lack the experience needed to drive defensively and safely, making them more prone to hazardous behaviors behind the wheel.

A compassionate lawyer could investigate a teen driving accident in Merrillville and gather the essential evidence to prove fault. Call The Law Offices of David W. Holub today to schedule an appointment with a seasoned personal injury attorney to discuss your case.

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